AWS SNS vs Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Which messaging service is better for cloud applications

October 12, 2021

AWS SNS vs Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Which messaging service is better for cloud applications

If you're building cloud applications, chances are you're going to need a messaging service. AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub are two popular choices for cloud messaging, but which one is better? In this post, we'll compare the two services based on features, pricing, and ease of use.


Both AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub offer similar features. They both support pub/sub messaging, which allows you to publish messages to topics and subscribe to receive messages from those topics. They also both support features like encryption, message filtering, and dead-letter queues.

One area where AWS SNS has an edge over Google Cloud Pub/Sub is in its support for SMS messaging. With SNS, you can send SMS messages to your users in addition to publishing messages to topics. However, Google Cloud Pub/Sub offers better integration with Google Cloud Functions, making it easier to build serverless applications.


AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub both offer free tiers that let you get started with their services at no cost. After the free tier, pricing for both services is based on usage.

AWS SNS charges per million requests, with additional fees for delivery to SMS or email endpoints. Google Cloud Pub/Sub charges per GB of data processed, with additional fees for subscriber nodes.

Overall, the pricing for both services is similar, although Google Cloud Pub/Sub's pricing may become more expensive if you have a lot of subscriber nodes.

Ease of use

Both AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub are relatively easy to use, with intuitive UIs and APIs. However, AWS SNS has a slightly steeper learning curve than Google Cloud Pub/Sub, especially if you're not already familiar with the AWS ecosystem.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub also has a more user-friendly API that makes it easier to build integrations. AWS SNS, on the other hand, offers more detailed logging and monitoring tools, which can be helpful for debugging issues.


Both AWS SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub are great messaging services for cloud applications, but ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs. If you need SMS messaging or detailed logging and monitoring, AWS SNS is the better choice. If you're building serverless applications or need a more user-friendly API, Google Cloud Pub/Sub is the way to go.

At Flare Compare, we hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision. As always, we recommend doing your own research and testing to see which service is the best fit for your needs.


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